Beauty. Brain. Behavior. Be your self.
The beauty is something that is not useful, without which we can not live.
This is a category of human thought with the truth and goodness.
For psychology, the fine was given first and vital experience. All individuals and all groups know what beauty, even if they do not agree on what is beautiful.
The beauty begins with the feeling of being beyond the court and will be an aesthetic experience.
1. Sense of beauty we find that only two of the five senses (hearing vueet) causes the experience of beauty and have made art (drawing, painting ... or singing, music ...). Contacts (massages and fondling), taste (food) and smell (perfume) can cause unpleasant sensations. Beautiful but not fun, but bring something more like awe and sometimes happy.
Confrontation with a higher value is always an event, such as palpation of the divine in mystical experiences. This is a challenge like that is not without terror and horror when someone falls in a small human level. Approach would be ideal for a moment of heartbreaking. "The definition of beauty is easy: this despair" (Valery). The value of an artist is never satisfied with what has been done, just showing off daubers and satisfied with themselves. The inability to determine the ideal material to devour life. "Beauty is not fun: it destroys" (Montaigne). How many artists of life brought about by the evil of this undermining is living testimony to begin by Vincent Van Gogh. But Alfred de Musset, who insisted on the tragic nature of creation, was always designed as a cage. Both aspects are closely linked, suffering and joy. Artists, who gave birth to a work, published in the pain.
Beautiful sensation can occur suddenly go to a concert or heard "three little notes of music, watching a landscape, garden, or a bouquet of flowers, see the human faces of children, women or old, visited the palace or temple, or go to the movies ... and we immediately exclaimed "Oh, how beautiful!" This is a trial.
2. Ruling affirmed a beautiful presence. "The beautiful is the object of an impartial and free of satisfaction" (Kant). Subtle is not useful, he needs no one can prove, but we feel the urge to say and sometimes do share, even if we do not always succeed. Shock is the first and only after that, trying to communicate with others, argues that as universal.
But then the whole world is facing objections from many beautiful things. Montaigne objected that some find a nice flat and wide nose, thick lips and swollen, while others are large ears or teeth red or black. And mock spiritual thinker Voltaire nonsense because a negro of Guinea on beautiful black skin oily, sunken eyes, flat nose and frogs are toads.
What saves us is the sense or the ability to assess intuitively and reliably their particular aesthetic value must be correct or sensitive. And guess we have extended throughout the world since Montaigne and Voltaire.
We distinguish the classes.
Beautiful is not the greatness of beauty, he was entertaining for a while without really moving. The accusation is free, we provide free of harmony. Grace is the passion that passes through the material immateriality, transparency in the form of ideas. The superlative noble good or exceeded? Etymologically it is the highest level, but also what is beyond. It involves an infinite feelings and respect. Sublime feeling inherent in the transpersonal. Beautiful charm, while the sublime touch. Sublime experience can be given by the view of the sea and storms, snow-capped mountains that suddenly appeared high in the sky, by walking in the desert (sand or snow) and on through the contemplation of the starry sky at night (when lying on the ground to find at least one hour).
3. Emotions are essential to the transpersonal. May arise in the creation, interpretation and contemplation. The joy and wonder may be many creators. The interpreter reproduces new life-giving work. In contemplation, one initially overwhelmed by strong emotional shock, and then taken away by the enthusiasm, it communicates with the momentum of work and we can enter into ecstasy. So transpersonal experiences can trigger the entry into non-ordinary state of consciousness (ENOC). At first contact, it was shattered, stunned, with disturbance of mind. Can you feel overwhelmed, as if we waited a long time. The following is a joy and excitement. It's finally here! And we understand that this is the beauty of bringing more joy than the joy. We can not break away from the beauty, it wanted a permanent, if not eternal. Enchanted violin soul soul miracle.
These emotions turned into joy. We are pleased to both senses of the terms happy, satisfied, very satisfied, but also seized, kidnapped as a kidnapping. Then this wonderful excitement we can win without us even to ecstasy, according to Baudelaire's confession: "From the first bar I had one happy feeling that almost everyone already knows the imaginative dream sleep. I feel liberated from the bonds of gravity and I found a great pleasure memory circulating in high places ... So I designed entirely the idea of the soul moving in the environment of light, d 'making fun and enjoyment of knowledge and flying far above and beyond the natural world. The sensation of spiritual and physical happiness ... light intense eye and gladdens the soul to pass out ... My pleasure is so strong and so bad that I could not help but never returned. "
Glad to aesthetics is actually the first crude form of ecstasy. This is widespread and many people have access at least once in their lives. But the appointment of an aesthetic experience that orgasm is a mystical experience.
We propose to call the transparency TRANSCRET reality, the emergence of the invisible through the visible. Transcret is not an abstract or concrete, not flat and the real and unreal, but real. This is what leads directly to a supra or a state of higher consciousness. This is reflected in the fact to look back in life after death. Transcret is what allows us to see a transcendence of the lowest object hidden report / disclose the divine. Apparently that is the human condition and see the secret room was stretched in the distance, toward the horizon.
The message is at once cosmic and can be understood in the symbolic order, there is access to the totality and the transparent light.
The definition we adopt is: beauty is to be a glory, a blinding flash of Perfection. This is a certain sign of the signal, such as blinking, the presence of values that we detail later in the Well, Really, Just ... In Being consistent is true, the perfect is what is beautiful is beautiful. It is distinguished by a light that moves us and allows us to realize the increased presence in the object that is pleasing to us and captivates us. Bursts of fugitive tells us this mirror effect. Because the invisible reflected in every moment through the visible. Like a Zen koan of beauty is a finger pointing to the moon by the emotions it inspires in us, it reminds us of something else. Unfortunately, most often we forget about the reference and remain interested in beautiful objects, staring at his finger like a dog.
Many authors have revolved around the definition of beauty
as shown by the invisible visible:
"Virtue is not seen by our selfless cause pleasure" (Jouffroy)
"contemplation of things beyond the principle of reason" (Schopenhauer), "When beauty immediately apparent to consciousness in the external reality, then this idea is not only beautiful but true. Therefore the good is defined as" absurd manifestation of ideas "(Hegel ).
Far more difficult is to define the beauty of the project by analyzing its parts: "the order is governed by the numbers" (Pythagoras), the "united for greatness" (Aristotle), "setting and proportion" (Bossuet), "unity of diversity, the agreement elements of diversity, the proportion of happy harmony "(Leibniz)," unity in diversity "(Kant), etc..
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